This special edition of the MOLAA Zoom Project series focuses on the PST Art and Science Exhibition: Arteônica* Art, Science, and Technology in Latin America today. In each chapter, in a conversation between the most remarkable artists from Latin America and Latinxs in the US, and our MOLAA Chief Curator Gabriela Urtiaga, we place the focus on a series or specific artwork that requires a close inspection and deliberate process of contemplation, and exploration; delving into the ideas surrounding the creation of the works, their sources of research and inspiration, to immerse ourselves in the world of the artists. This special edition of the MOLAA Zoom Project series focuses on the PST Art and Science Exhibition: Arteônica* Art, Science, and Technology in Latin America today.
Spanish to English translation will be provided.
In Spanish
En Español
In Spanish ~ En Español ~
Marcela Armas
Durango, México 1976.
Engaged with art and its relationship with science, technology, alchemy, healing, spirituality, community, and parenting. Interested in observation of the records of memory in matter and its living forces at the crossroads of biocultural diversity. She is concerned about retrieving and validating ancestral and communal knowledge, investigating the link between matter and technology understood as a socio-cultural construction. She recovers the meaning of aisthesis as the ability of the heart to perceive meaning and maintain a sense of bond with the world.
She is currently working on the magnetic properties of minerals and their possibilities to store information through sound as a means of interpretation and induction. Her work articulates technologies, dialogues transmedia, and community processes inquiring about the relationships that weave society with matter, energy, space, time, and the construction of history.
She did academic studies at the School of Visual Arts at the University of Guanajuato and in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She has received support from FONCA’s Young Creators program, Arte-Actual Program Bancomer-MACG 2009, and the Support Program for the Research in New Media of the CENART Multimedia Center. She received the ARCO / BEEP Award for Electronic Art at the Arco Madrid Fair 2012. She participated in the Eleventh Havana Biennial. She received the Production Incentive Award for VIDA 16.0 of FundaciónTelefónica de España. Member of the National System of Art Creators of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts 2016-2019. Her work has been exhibited in Mexico, the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Russia, China, and India.