Thank you for your interest in MOLAA’s interpretive programming! We offer both in-person and virtual experiences. Our most popular offering for K-12 school groups is our in-person tour and workshop combo, which includes an engaging, one-hour docent-led tour and discussion of our galleries. Following your tour, you are welcome to join us for a hands-on art workshop based on the current exhibitions.
Pricing for this package is $12.00 per student and one chaperone for every 10 children under 18 gains admission free of charge. We typically book Tuesday through Friday at 10 AM, 12 PM, or 2 PM. However, we have scholarships available to offset these costs, so please inquire at tours@molaa.org for eligibility. School tours are typically on hiatus for the month of July due to Summer Camp programming.
MOLAA does accept CAP and ELOP (Expanded Learning Opportunity Program) requests. All school and community groups of more than 10 people, must book through the education department. Please email education@molaa.org.
During the Winter and Spring term, exhibits you would explore onsite would include:
1. Ironias del Sur (Neo-Figuration Curated by Patrick Frank): Neo-Figuration arose simultaneously in several Latin American countries in the late 1950s and early 60s. What began as a rebellion against the mural movement soon evolved into wide-ranging and irreverent personal expression with the human figure as principal subject. The movement persisted in succeeding decades, and the MOLAA permanent collection holds many exemplary works. Many of these express an ironic attitude or a feeling that things are not as they seem. This exhibition, a small sample from the MOLAA collection, revolves around two themes: First is portraiture or self-portraiture. Some Neo-Figurative artists look no further than the mirror in search of subjects. They channel their visages into diverse thematic statements that go beyond mere representation of a human form into wider messages about humanity. The second major theme is political statements. Some artists have used their work to comment on the surrounding world, but not in an optimistic or idealizing way. Rather, the artists show that they are fully aware of the subtleties and contradictions of a given situation. Rather than expressing hope for positive change, they convey sarcasm or weariness.
Irony in art is valuable because it starts with a recognition that sometimes the world we inhabit does not match our hopes or ideals. At its best, irony is a tonic, helping us to confront our complex world with a knowing smile
2. Frank Romero: Pleasantville: The Museum of Latin American Art is pleased to exhibit Pleasantville, the acclaimed creation of Chicano artist, Frank Romero. The unique and large mural (329 1/2 x 136 x 10 inches), now a part of MOLAA’s Permanent Collection, was created for the 1998 Academy Award nominated film Pleasantville, starring Jenny Lewis, Tobey McGuire, Paul Walker, Jeffery Daniels and Reese Witherspoon. The movie was written and directed by Gary Ross, with an original score by Randy Newman. In the black and white movie, the introduction of Romero’s mural, with its vibrant colors and images ties the themes of the film and musical composition into an artistic highlight. Romero has completed over fifteen murals in Los Angeles and continues to paint to this day.
MOLAA, in collaboration with the Artist and his studio, will publicly conserve the artwork throughout the first half of 2025. By inviting the public to witness the artistic conservation process MOLAA hopes to demonstrate and share the importance of artwork conservation, and the role community plays in the patrimony of local institutions
To stay informed with the most up-to-date information regarding the exhibitions, please visit the Exhibition section of our website. Exhibition content dates are subject to change.
UPDATE: As of 3.4.25 we are almost fully-booked for the rest of the 2024/2025 academic year.
Spaces are extremely limited.
Follow us on social media. Facebook @MuseumOfLatinAmericanArt | Instagram @molaa.art | Twitter @molaa
Did you know that you can apply for scholarships to bring your K-12 students to MOLAA for free?
If you teach in any of the following Counties or School Districts, please write to tours@molaa.org to inquire about our Tour and Workshop Scholarship Program funded by The Earl B. Miller Foundation and the Dwight Stuart Youth Fund.
Long Beach Unified School District
Los Angeles County
San Bernardino County
Riverside County
Orange County
and more!
College, corporate, and special interest groups: Trained MOLAA docents guide visitors through our galleries, viewing a selected number of artworks and engaging the visitor in thoughtful discussions about them, allowing the visitor to actively see the work in a new way.
Reservations are required. All tours must be booked at least 2 weeks in advance.
Available: Wednesday through Saturday beginning at 11 AM PST through 5 PM. Please contact tours@molaa.org if you are interested in an after-hours or weekend tour.
Fees: Starting at $8 per visitor for self-guided tours, with a minimum of 10 visitors or $80.00 per group. Tour dates are subject to availability.
Payment methods: Online via credit card or mail-in check.
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Maximum Capacity: We can accommodate up to 45 guests per booking.
Alt Text: MOLAA Docents leading a guided tour.
Thank you for your interest in MOLAA and our virtual tour program! We provide engaging and educational virtual tours for both corporate and non-profit organizations using Zoom and our 3D Kunstmatrix software. We typically offer virtual tours Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 4 PM PT (but are flexible). Our tours are led by a knowledgeable education staff member and typically last 45-50 minutes with a 5-minute interactive art game. Depending on your number of guests, we can host you as a Webinar or in a Zoom Meetings style.
Available: Monday through Friday beginning at 9 AM
Payment methods: Online via credit card or mail-in check.
Duration: approximately 60 minutes
Fees & Capacity:
Non profit entities and Schools
up to 20 participants: $150 USD per session
21 - 40 participants: $180 USD per session
41 < participants: please contact tours@molaa.org for pricing
Corporate tours
Please contact tours@molaa.org for pricing
School groups K-12: Tours will be responsive to curriculum requirements. A pre-tour meeting with the teacher is recommended and included. College, corporate, and special interest groups: Trained MOLAA docents guide visitors through our virtual galleries, viewing a selected number of artworks and engaging the visitor in thoughtful discussions about them, allowing the visitor to actively see the work in a fresh way.
Reservations are required. All tours must be booked at least 2 weeks in advance.
If you are interested in booking a special Latinx Heritage Month virtual tour, email tours@molaa.org.
Current virtual tour topics include:
I AM: Highlights from MOLAA’s New Afro-Latinx Narratives Series
(45-60 minute live virtual tour of our 3D rendered gallery)
Please join us as we celebrate and honor African heritage and its influence in Latin America. Through a key selection of artworks and artistic perspectives, this virtual exhibition encourages an open conversation through art, around important themes like race, power, heritage, and revisiting the fight for identity in communities of African descent. Artists discussed include Victoria Santa Cruz (Peru, 1922-2014), Alexandre Arrechea (Cuba, 1970), Patricia Encarnación (Dominican Republic, 1991), Carlos Martiel (Cuba, 1989), and Liliana Angulo Cortés (Colombia, 1974), among others. Please bring a pen and a piece of paper for an interactive doodle activity!
Zoom Meeting: Up to 50 Guests
Zoom Webinar: Up to 500 Guests. Email Tours@molaa.org for pricing
In Focus: Photography and Video from the MOLAA Permanent Collection (45-60 minute live virtual tour of our 3D rendered gallery)
This exhibition presents a small but critical selection from MOLAA’s permanent collection. Most of these works were created by artists who are still living and working. Thanks to the generosity and foresight of donors, lenders, and curators, the social emphasis in the collection is strong, just as it is in Latin America. Artists featured include Sandra Boulanger (French-Bolivian, 1966), Amalia Caputo (Venezuela, 1964), Daniela Edburg (United States, 1975), Ingrid Hernandez (Mexico, 1974), Natalia Iguiñiz (Peru, 1973), Veronica Riedel (Guatemala, 1961), Cinthya Soto (Costa Rica, 1969), Miguel Alvear (Ecuador, 1964), Carlos Garaicoa Manso (Cuba, 1967), Nereo López-Meza (Colombia, 1920-2015) among others.
Zoom Meeting: Up to 50 Guests
Zoom Webinar: Up to 500 Guests. Email tours@molaa.org for pricing.
*Tour topics are subject to change. Please email tours@molaa.org for updated information.
Miguel Alvear (Ecuador, 1964)
I am the Other / Yo soy la otra, 2004
16 photographs / fotografías
27 x 27 inches / pulgadas
MOLAA Permanent Collection. Gift of Miguel Alvear Lalley.
Cancellations must be a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled visit date.
There will be a $50 fee charged for cancellations made 48 hours or less prior to the scheduled visit date.
Cancellations made on the day of the scheduled visit will be charged the full visit amount.
Not showing up for a visit will be treated as a cancellation, and full tour amount will be charged.
No credit or refund will be issued.
For more information about educational art workshops for the general public, please visit our Events page.
COVID-19 guidelines for Groups
Dear MOLAA Patron, When scheduling your visit to the museum please keep in mind the following:
Latest Health and Safety Information: Based on the latest local guidelines, attendees are no longer required to provide proof of negative COVID-19 test AND/OR vaccination for entry into this event. However, the California Department of Health strongly recommends that all attendees are fully vaccinated or obtain a negative COVID-19 test prior to attending the event. Be sure to check your venue website for the latest updates and guidelines as entry requirements are subject to change.
To stay informed with the most up-to-date information regarding the closure and reopening, follow us on social media. Facebook @MuseumOfLatinAmericanArt | Instagram @Molaa.art | Twitter @Molaa